Our passion for teaching andMicrosoft 365 EducationWe believe the Microsoft 365 platform Education is a real asset in teaching, but its complex and time-consuming management is a hindrance for many establishments.

Estimated pricing for TeamyDo not hesitate to contact us for a personalized quote

Teamy pricing is based on the number of users in your Microsoft 365 Education Tenant.

The price list below is only an aid, allowing you to estimate the cost of Teamy

Prices are expressed in euro, tax-free, per user and per year

Contact us for a Teamy trial

Teamy€165 excluding VAT fixed price per year

  • PRO features
  • Maximum number of users 299
  • Community support
  • No training
  • 3 month evaluation period
  • Download now!

Teamy "BASIC"Price per user

  • BASIC features
  • Number of users unlimited
  • Community support
  • No training
  • 3 month evaluation period
  • No longer available!

TeamyPrice per user

  • PRO features
  • Number of users unlimited
  • Community support
  • No training
  • 3 month evaluation period
  • Download now!


<=1,000 Users €0.55

  • Price excluding VAT
  • Per user
  • Per year

<=2,000 Users €0.50

  • Price excluding VAT
  • Per user
  • Per year

<=3,000 Users €0.45

  • Price excluding VAT
  • Per user
  • Per year

<=4,000 Users €0.40

  • Price excluding VAT
  • Per user
  • Per year

<=5,000 Users €0.35

  • Price excluding VAT
  • Per user
  • Per year

>5,000 Users €0.30

  • Price excluding VAT
  • Per user
  • Per year

Teamy pricing reviewFeel free to contact us for a personalized quote

The Teamy 'Free' offer will disappear on May 1, 2024.
This offer had a special place in the M365 Education ecosystem to help schools quickly adopt Microsoft solutions in the context of Covid-19. Victim of its success, the costs linked to the infrastructure making it possible to offer this offer have become too important to maintain it in its current state.

Establishments currently using the Teamy Free license will be able to use it until August 31, 2024. These same establishments, if they wish to continue using Teamy as a management tool, will have to request an offer.

The Teamy 'Basic' offer will disappear on May 1, 2024.
In order to provide all establishments with maximum functional coverage, we prefer to make the same version of Teamy available to everyone. The current Teamy 'Pro' version therefore becomes the only offer available.

Establishments that are under a 'Teamy Basic' contract will continue until the anniversary date of the renewal of their contract. No financial changes will be made while the contract is in progress. On the date of renewal of the contract, it must be revised according to the new price list and on the basis of a personalized offer.

Long-term contract
Prices are reviewed at each annual contract renewal based on the number of users of your Microsoft 365 Education platform. For any contract signed on a firm basis for a minimum duration of 3 years, a 15% discount is granted over the entire duration of the contract, and the prices are then fixed for a period of 3 years as well, if the establishment undertakes not to double the number of users over this period.

Any problems with Teamy ?Feel free to get in touch. We will gladly assist you in the installation or use of Teamy.

Via our page Facebook, you can follow our news and contact us for support.

Whether you are a user of Teamy BASIC or Teamy PRO, do not hesitate to contact us. It is with pleasure that we will assist you.

As a Teamy PRO user, you can join our private discussion group on Teams on request. The development of Teamy is done on a community basis. Your opinion and your expectations are important in the evolution of Teamy. Your requests for new features will be incorporated into a subsequent version as far as possible.